What brings you here? I know you are looking for simple tips to write creative headlines. Surely, I will address the same. But before that, I assume that you are here because of the catchy headline. That is the whole purpose of writing a creative headline. Creative headlines are simple and effective hacks to increase traffic to your website. When there is a higher click-through rate, the chances of your website getting listed at the top of search engine results will be high. Further, you can expect higher conversions and sales of your products and services.

From my personal experience, people hate mediocre stuff. Digital audiences are frustrated with contents that are merely informative and have nothing creative in them. You can see them on roadside posters and billboards. It is sure that it will get noticed, but it is also sure that it will never go into the heads of potential customers. While delivering creativity, you are tapping into the minds of your audiences, not just their eyeballs.

How to Write Creative Headlines?

Grabbing eyeballs has never been this easy, and creative headlines are a new addition to the list. Let us discuss how to grab attention with creative headlines. Here are formulas that help you write headlines that make people pay attention, read, and share.

Straight Forward

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. So be clear and specific with what you want to convey to your audience. Ensure that your headline accurately reflects the topic and theme of your article. Keep in mind not to sacrifice clarity. Misleading headlines can lead to disappointed readers.

Highlight the Benefits

This is the simplest and most straight-forward method to create headlines. People are more likely to click if they know they’ll gain something. I know what you’re thinking. How can it be creative? We can transform anything into creativity with a little effort, like the following:

But there is a downside. Only those who are interested in the topic will click. So we will be losing out on a large set of audiences.

Use Actionable Keywords to Write creative headlines

Actionable keywords are those that convey the true message of your article or blog. As the name suggests, it will drive the audience to click on the link and help you stand out from the crowd by offering a fresh perspective. It can be like this.

Here’s is How/ why _____ (Does/ Became _____)

By using these headlines, you are subconsciously guiding the audience to click on the title and read the entire blog. Let’s look at these examples.

All You Need to Know About (_____)

As you can see, this headline is to the point and avoids any jargon. There is not much effort involved, which intrigues people to find out more.

  • All That You Need to Know to Write Creative Headlines
  • All You Need to Know About Facebook Advertising
  • Everything You Need to Know About Getting Fit

Ask Questions

A great headline should invoke curiosity and encourage people to find the answer. The art of personalization works the best here. Here is how you can do it.

Who Else Wants (_____)?

A classic headline format that uses social proof.  By beginning with “who else wants” you show that majority of people know this. This creates an urgency within the minds of people to bridge this gap. 

  • Who Else Wants to Work Less and Get Paid More?
  • Who Else Wants a Digital Marketing Training?
  • Who Else Wants to Work from Home and Earn $500 Per Day?

How to Do(_____) like (a pro/ _____)

Identify what your target audience wants and combine that with the best example. You can also use a number in this headline to give a list of more than one way of doing things.

Play with Numbers

Use headlines that create vivid mental pictures. No one can match numbers for this. It can make your headlines more engaging and memorable. In addition, including numbers promise users with easy to digest content. Have a look at the following templates.

(Number) Little Known Methods (to Do _____)

if it’s little know, then you may get an advantage over the people who do not know.

  • 5 Little Known Methods to Gain More Followers
  • 8 Little-Known But Effective Methods to Avoid Stress
  • Little Known Method to Reduce Your Gas Consumption

(Number) (Superlative) (_____)

People love lists! Lists are easy to scan and read. List of X best things works like a magnet if you know what your audience is interested in.

(Number) Secrets of (_____)

Another great headline formula is playing on your curiosity. Who wouldn’t want to know the secret? The reader assumes that they get access to inside information and this makes the headline work.

Create a sense of Urgency

(Number) Quick Solution/ Ways to (_____)

People hate to read long passages. So any headlines that promise fast results will grab attention. Also short and punchy headlines are easy to remember.

Use Strong Adjectives

Incorporate powerful adjectives that evoke emotion. By doing so, people will attach themselves with the headline. You are giving readers a reason to click on your article by creating a sense of mystery in your headline.

Interestingly, a lot of your shares come from people who just read the catchy title. Make your headline to stand out and make people click.

Final Choice

Practice makes perfect. The above-mentioned techniques are just the tip of the iceberg. You have to brainstorm by experimenting with various headlines and analysing if they are working or not. Proofread it for spelling and grammar errors. Over time, you’ll develop a knack for crafting attention-grabbing headlines that draw readers to your content.

Writing creative headlines involves a combination of creativity, clarity, and the ability to grab the reader’s attention. For those who are looking for higher click-through rates, this article can be a savior. But you should admit that click-through rates are just one side of a coin. To improve the SEO score, there needs to be more business engagement. This is only possible with good-quality content. So before you post articles, prioritise your target audience first by adding value rather than focusing on clicks.