A business is everyones dream. It gives you time, money and fame. However not everyone succeeds at it. So what makes successful businessman differ from others. Yeah you guessed it right. It is thinking and playing outside the box. One such thing is digital marketing. In this article we call your attention on how to Promote your small medium business on google.

Promote your small medium business on google

Write useful, high-quality content

Create content that’s relevant to your business and helpful for your audience. Perhaps the most important thing you can do to promote your business on Google is to create high-quality content that’s valuable to your users.

Creating content also allows you to expand the range of topics your content covers and, therefore, the search queries for which your site can rank.

Regularly publishing quality content sends positive signals to Google, which can improve your rankings.

Include keywords on your pages

Keywords are the words and phrases you aim to rank for with a page. These terms help Google understand your page’s content.

To find keywords, brainstorm some ideas of what potential customers might search. You can also look up those terms in a free keyword research tool to get more ideas.

Include your keywords in your page’s title tag, meta description, URL, and headings, as well as throughout your content. 

Earn backlinks

When you earn these links to your site from authoritative websites, Google views your site as more authoritative.

The best way to earn links from other sites is to create excellent content that other people want to link to and share. Certain content, such as infographics, statistics roundups, and original research, tend to get a lot of links.

Promote your small medium business on google

Use Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile (GBP) is an extremely powerful tool for local businesses. It’s a free tool that enables companies to manage how their information appears on Google.

To use GBP, sign in to your Google account and open GBP. You can find existing listing for your business or create a new listing. You can then fill out your business’s information and verify that you own the business.

List your business in online directories

Yelp, TripAdvisor, Facebook, MapQuest, and Angie’s List, plus various industry-specific directories.

These listing sites often appear in the organic results.

Having a listing on these sites helps you get more website traffic from Google and can even get your business’s name directly on page one of search results.

With these five tips, you can start optimizing your website for search and getting more visibility for your business online.