Are you constantly wondering, “Why is Google slow to crawl my site?” Or maybe you’re looking for ways to improve your website’s crawl rate. Understanding the algorithm of Google crawling is essential for ensuring your content gets discovered, indexed, and has the best chance of ranking highly in search results. Let’s check in detail what influences Google’s crawl frequency and how you can optimise your website for top rankings in 2024 and beyond.

Why Google Crawl Frequency is Crucial

The frequency with which Googlebot visits your website has a direct impact on how quickly your new and updated content gets indexed. A faster crawl rate can lead to several benefits:

Improved Visibility

Get your fresh content quickly indexed and into search results.

Boosted Organic Traffic

More indexed pages create more opportunities to attract visitors from search engines.

Competitive Advantage

Surpass the low performing competitors by appearing in searches more quickly.

Key Factors Affecting Google Crawling in 2024

Let’s break down the key elements that influence how Google crawls your website.

1. User Engagement

Google closely analyses user engagement metrics to assess the value of your website. Strong signals like long dwell times (time spent on page), low bounce rates, and high click-through rates (CTRs) indicate that your content is engaging your audience and will likely result in more frequent crawls.

2. Prioritise Mobile Users

Ensuring a flawless mobile experience is essential. Google’s mobile-first indexing means your mobile site is crawled and primarily used for ranking. Optimise for mobile to avoid decreased crawl frequency and search performance.

3. Blackhat SEO Tactics

Google takes a strong stance against “fake” SEO tactics that aim to artificially manipulate website traffic or search rankings. Practices like keyword stuffing and buying backlinks are prime examples of these blackhat tactics. Prioritise genuine user interaction and organic traffic growth to encourage more frequent and trustworthy crawls.

4. Sound Technical SEO

A technically sound website is crucial for smooth Google crawling. Consider these key areas:

Broken Links

Fix 404 errors for a seamless user and crawler experience.

Page Speed

Optimise your website’s loading time for all devices. Slow sites may discourage Googlebot from extensive crawls.


Ensure your robots.txt file isn’t unintentionally blocking important content from crawlers.

5. Considering Core Web Vitals

Google now factors in Core Web Vitals like page speed, responsiveness, and visual stability when ranking websites. A website that loads quickly and provides a smooth, stable experience is likely to be indirectly rewarded with more frequent crawls.

6. Structured Data For Google

Implementing Schema markup gives Google a clearer understanding of your content and its context. While it doesn’t directly help the crawl rate, it can enhance the value Google places on your pages and may indirectly influence how they prioritise your site.

Google Crawling : Best Practices

Content is the King

In 2024 and beyond, exceptional content is important. Invest in well-researched, informative, and engaging content that provides genuine value to your audience. Google itself has confirmed that high-quality content tends to be crawled more frequently However, it’s important to remember that simply publishing more content doesn’t automatically lead to improved indexing. Focus on quality over quantity.

Google Core Update

Google’s March Core update is a first step towards obtaining improved content quality. The update targets low-quality content. AI-generated content that simply rephrases existing information will be penalised. Google aims to cut this type of content by 40%, prioritising original, valuable material.

Keep Your Content Fresh and Focused

To attract Google, your website must showcase growth and relevance. Consistently add new, updated content to signal that your website is a dynamic source of information. Google loves fresh insights, making regular content updates crucial for improved search visibility. Organise your content into clear topic clusters, helping Google understand your website’s focus. This ensures your most valuable content is easily discoverable by crawlers, sending positive signals about your website’s value.

Internal Links and Featured Snippets

A robust internal linking structure serves as a roadmap for both users and Googlebot, guiding them to your most important content. Strategically linking between related pages within your site improves crawlability and helps Google understand your content hierarchy.  Additionally, aim to earn coveted featured snippets (answer boxes) for common queries in your field. Craft well-structured answers within your content or in designated FAQ sections, directly addressing the questions users search for.  By optimising both your internal linking and featured snippet strategy, you’ll enhance your website’s navigation and significantly improve your rankings in search results.

Crawl Budget Considerations

While high-quality content can encourage more frequent crawls, it’s equally important to understand “crawl budget.”  This refers to the number of pages and the frequency with which Google allocates resources to crawl a particular website. Crawl budget is influenced by factors like:

Website Size

Larger websites generally require more crawl resources.

Update Frequency

Websites with frequent updates might be crawled more often.

Technical strength

Errors and crawl inefficiencies can negatively impact crawl budget.

Optimising for Google crawling indirectly promotes a more efficient use of crawl budget. It signals to Google that your website is valuable and worth crawling more frequently.

The Future OF AI and Google Crawling 

With advancements like the Gemini chatbot, Google’s AI capabilities are transforming how it crawls websites. AI empowers Google to analyse content with greater precision, understanding topics, sentiment, and the nuances of language through Natural Language Processing (NLP). This includes interpreting images and videos, leading to a more comprehensive understanding of web content. Consequently, Google is better equipped to prioritise high-quality content that demonstrates expertise and trustworthiness while combating spam and low-value content. AI also personalised search results and assists in predictive crawling, ensuring Google proactively discovers and indexes content most relevant to user needs.

The Takeaway

Remember, Google’s algorithms are always evolving. Staying informed about the latest Google crawling trends and best practices is essential for long-term SEO success.

Here’s how to stay on top of the game:

Focus on creating a website that Google recognizes as informative, valuable, and user-friendly, and watch your organic traffic flourish!