Scrolling through your social media feed, you’re immersed in the latest trends and updates from your network.

Suddenly, a pair of sunglasses catches your eye – the perfect style, and an appealing price.

With a simple tap, you’re not just engaging with the image, but instantly connected to a secure checkout process.

Within minutes, the purchase is complete, all without leaving the comfort of your favourite app.

This effortless shopping experience is the essence of Social commerce.

Vital Extension

E-commerce revolutionised shopping, offering a world of products at our fingertips.

But social commerce takes it a step further, transforming the online shopping experience into a delightful and personalised journey.

Did you know that social commerce sales are projected to grow by a staggering 1.2 Trillion USD by 2025?

This explosive growth demonstrates the power of this new shopping paradigm.

Social commerce seamlessly blends the discovery and engagement of social media with the ease and convenience of e-commerce.

Gone are the days of tedious product searches and impersonal websites.

Now, you can discover inspiring products organically, fueled by the recommendations and experiences of friends and influencers you trust.

The Growing Relevance Of Social Commerce

Social commerce is here to stay, and its growth is skyrocketing.

As people increasingly spend their time online scrolling through social media, it makes sense that they’d start shopping there too.

This shift in behaviour is especially pronounced among Gen Z and Millennial consumers, who are deeply comfortable buying within the social platforms they already use for entertainment and connection.


Social commerce platforms streamline online shopping, enabling single-click purchases within chats or posts, capitalising on impulsive behaviour and making buying seamless and quick.

Discoverability and Impulse

Algorithms blend relevant products into feeds, triggering impulse buys by presenting items alongside engaging content, creating an exciting and unexpected shopping experience.


Leveraging existing relationships, social commerce makes products irresistible by showcasing them in use by influencers, both major celebrities and micro-influencers, fostering a desire to emulate them.

Trust Through Community

Real-time research within the platform, customer reviews from verified profiles, and transparent conversations in comment sections and groups build trust and reduce purchase anxiety.

Entertaining Shopping

Livestream events, demos, giveaways, and shoppable videos transform shopping into entertainment, creating urgency and excitement for buyers.

Global Marketplace

Social commerce eliminates geographic barriers, allowing small-scale sellers to reach a global audience without complex online stores, democratising access to entrepreneurship.

Data-Driven Personalization

Curating a unique shopping experience, algorithms analyse user actions and preferences of those followed, suggesting products that enhance a sense of belonging and personalization.

Social Media Marketing VS Social Commerce

Social media has revolutionized how we connect, but businesses can leverage it for far more than just likes and shares.

While the terms “social commerce” and “social media marketing” sound similar, they represent distinct, yet powerful steps in the online buying process.

Social Commerce VS SMM

Social Commerce Speciality platforms

Specialty social commerce platforms offer unique tools tailored to your specific needs.

CommentSold facilitates sales through Facebook and Instagram comments, ideal for small businesses and flash sales

Videeo and help you harness shoppable short videos or build influencer collaborations, while Grip focuses on connecting with influencers in European markets. 

For data-driven optimization and affiliate management, consider Verint and, respectively, and make any social image instantly shoppable with’s visual AI technology.

Social Commerce Platforms

Social Commerce Networks



Attract a young, visually-engaged audience with stunning product photos, shoppable Stories, and seamless in-app purchases.

Facebook Shops

Integrate with your Facebook Page for easy setup and allow direct sales through the platform, reaching a broad customer base.


Inspire users in the discovery phase with visually appealing product Pins and utilize paid advertising for targeted reach.


Promote fashion and beauty products with interactive AR try-on experiences and shoppable lenses, catering to younger demographics.


Embrace the power of short-form videos and livestream shopping to engage Gen Z and potentially ignite viral product trends.


Tap into the Chinese market with this super-app that offers social features, messaging, and robust payment options.

Amazon Live

Harness Amazon’s vast reach with influencer-led livestream shopping events, highlighting products and deals.

Social Commerce & Ecommerce

The borders between social media and e-commerce are fast fading.

Social commerce, or the ability to shop directly within social media platforms, is transforming how customers connect with companies and buy things.

This progression builds on the basis of traditional e-commerce by expediting the purchasing process, using the power of social participation, and giving businesses an unparalleled opportunity to reach new clients.

Social Commerce for E-commerce Success

If you’re looking for a way to drive sales and increase e-commerce website traffic, social commerce is your secret weapon.  Let’s break down how to integrate it seamlessly into your existing strategy:

1. Choose Your Social Platform


Know Your Audience

This goes beyond just age and location. What are their pain points? What kind of social content excites them? This will guide your platform choice.

Showcase Your Products

Is your product line visually stunning? Instagram and Pinterest are ideal. Does it require a demonstration? Go for YouTube, or Facebook Live shopping events.

Define Your Goals

Want massive reach for a new product launch? Facebook /Instagram ads could be your focus. Build a long-term community? Go with platforms like Pinterest or niche Facebook groups

2. Technical Setup


Optimise Your Product Feed

Each platform has its ideal image sizes, description length, etc. Tailoring your data ensures everything displays correctly and professionally.

Simplify the Shop Setup

Most e-commerce platforms (Shopify, BigCommerce, etc.) integrate easily with major social networks. This keeps inventory synced, so you avoid overselling.

Choose a Secure Payment Gateway

Look for processors with strong reputations that prioritise user data protection. If it feels unsafe to customers, they’ll abandon their carts.

3. Create Compelling Content


Think Visually

Inspire, don’t just inform! Lifestyle images on Instagram, quick tutorials on Youtube – play according to platform’s strengths.

Utilise User-Generated Content

UGC  like Reviews, unboxings, even customers styling your products build way more trust than regular ads. Utilise it 

Partner with Influencers

Choose wisely! It’s not just about follower count, but alignment with your brand values. Authenticity builds long-term loyalty.

4. Boost with Advertising & Promotion


Targeted Ads

The beauty of social media is how granular you can get. Target ads based on location, interests, even which competitor’s pages people follow.

Shoppable Posts & Stories

Make it ridiculously easy to buy. Tag products so clicking the image takes them to the product page with zero extra steps.

Contests & Exclusive Offers

Create urgency and excitement! Offer social-only discounts, first access to new items, or giveaways for those who share and tag friends.

5. Track and Follow Up


Monitor Key Metrics

Sales through social channels are obvious, but also track click-through rates to your website, engagement on specific content, etc.

Data-Driven Decisions

Which products are social superstars? Use that to plan content. Where are you getting the highest ROI? Double down on that platform.

Stay Ahead of the Curve

Social commerce changes fast. Adopt new features to stay ahead of the race.

The Flip Side: Understanding Limitations

Social commerce can open incredible doors for businesses, but it’s crucial to be aware of the limitations also.

Over Reliance on social platforms, intense competition, and heightened security concerns are all factors that should be carefully considered when crafting your social commerce strategy.

Platform Dependence

Social media platforms are dynamic. Their algorithms, which determine what content people see, are constantly evolving.

A sudden change could severely limit your reach, even if you’ve invested heavily in building a following.

Similarly, policy shifts can happen overnight, restricting what kinds of products you can sell or adding unexpected fees.

To mitigate these risks, it’s wise to diversify your sales channels – having your own website and an email list offers more control and stability.

Getting Lost in the Crowd

Social media is a crowded marketplace for businesses vying for limited attention.

It’s increasingly hard to stand out when everyone is vying to sell something, and your products are competing with everything else in a user’s feed.

The key to cutting through this noise is to narrow your focus.

Find a specific niche and offer something truly unique, whether that’s your products themselves, the way you present them, or the personality you build for your brand.

Security Concerns

Social commerce means collecting and managing more sensitive customer data.

Any data breach massively damages your reputation, and could even leave you vulnerable to legal action.

Additionally, scammers are constantly finding new ways to exploit online sellers, especially inexperienced ones.

Investing in robust e-commerce software with strong security features is a must.

Additionally, educate yourself on common fraud tactics and establish clear policies for handling refunds and disputes to protect your business.

Limited Customization

When selling on social platforms, you’re largely playing by their rules. This can limit your ability to create a fully customised storefront that perfectly aligns with your brand.

Additionally, you might have fewer options for promotions, loyalty programs, or other features available on your own website.

For this reason, think of social commerce as a powerful tool for expanding your reach, but don’t let it entirely replace your independent online presence.

Partnering with a skilled agency can help you navigate these restrictions, ensuring you maximise your social commerce potential while maintaining your brand identity.

Here’s why it’s important to maintain your own e-commerce platform alongside your social selling efforts:

Full Control

Your website means full control of branding, features, and promotions.

Data Ownership

Customer data collected on your site lets you retarget and build lasting relationships.

Long-Term Stability

Your website shields you from algorithm changes, policy shifts, and the risk of platforms disappearing.

Case Study: Messho’s Success Formula

Meesho’s social commerce success comes from three main strategies.

Empowering everyday sellers, building a supportive community, and creating excitement.

First, they focus on regular people. Meesho provides a simple app, a huge selection of products, and easy connection to WhatsApp.

This lets anyone become a small-scale influencer.

Resellers share their favourite items right within their own networks on WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram, making shopping feel personal and trustworthy.

Second, Meesho creates a real sense of community with online spaces and support groups.

Resellers can swap tips, celebrate wins, and help each other with problems, making them feel like they’re part of a team.

Finally, Meesho keeps their reseller network excited with new products and deals.

They showcase what’s trending, offer quick discounts to boost early sales, and encourage resellers to share photos and videos of new products.

This gets everyone talking within the network and makes customers eager to buy, driving sales and keeping the platform active.

Other Social Commerce Wins

Meesho’s success is inspiring.

Smaller businesses are seeing impressive results too.

Think of the clothing boutique using Instagram’s shoppable features to seamlessly turn stylish outfits into sales, even with a modest advertising budget.

Or the artisan who leverages Pinterest’s visual search to connect their handcrafted goods with a global audience.

Even the beauty enthusiast using TikTok and YouTube to demonstrate products, then linking directly to their online store for easy purchases, can experience significant growth through social commerce.

Partner For Expertise 

In the fast-paced world of social commerce, staying ahead of the curve is essential.

A strong digital marketing agency is constantly monitoring trends and analysing platform updates, positioning your business to capitalise on emerging features and gain a competitive edge.

Furthermore, an agency offers an invaluable outside perspective on your brand and target audience.

Their fresh insights can uncover new opportunities for growth and suggest innovative strategies that might not have been considered within your existing team.

Summing Up

Social commerce is rapidly transforming the way we shop, offering businesses that embrace it a significant competitive edge.

To succeed, focus on captivating visuals, influencer partnerships, and user-generated content, while ensuring a seamless experience across the right platforms.

Navigating this dynamic landscape can be complex, so consider partnering with social commerce experts to guide your strategy and maximize your efforts.

With their help, you can unlock the full potential of social commerce and transform your online presence into a powerful sales engine.

Partner With The Best

Are you ready to unlock the full potential of social commerce?

With over 13 years of experience, TechBound expertly navigates this dynamic landscape.

We ditch generic strategies, crafting personalised plans that elevate your brand and streamline the customer journey.

Our expertise seamlessly integrates your e-commerce platform with top social channels, creating a delightful, frictionless shopping experience that boosts engagement and drives sales.

Experience the difference a strategic approach makes. Contact Us today and see how we can transform your social commerce results.