Google Search Generative Experience (SGE) is the latest edition of Google’s ongoing mission to maximise the user experience. 

By enhancing AI in search results, Google is aiming for relevant results with a faster response time. 

The technology industry closely monitors Google updates with a sense of concern, as these updates frequently alter the entire dynamics, potentially making all their efforts go in vain. 

The recent update follows this pattern. 

Let’s Break Down Google SGE

People typically search for information on Google using keywords. 

Additionally, Google shows high-quality contents at the top of search results. However, this practice has been changed by Google SGE. 

Transitioning from the standard approach, SGE employs generative AI to showcase keywords and related information alongside organic results. For users, this is beneficial as they get all the information at one point. 

It eliminates the need to visit each site individually. Nevertheless, this change has made organic SEO into a dilemma.

Announced in May 2023, SGE started rolling out in the US, India, and Japan in August 2023. It’s still in the developing stage and is expected to roll out in more countries.

Modus Operandi

Upon receiving a user query, SGE actively analyses it through natural language processing (NLP), ensuring a profound understanding of the intention.

 Following that, the system uses Google’s advanced search engine and database to retrieve data associated with the query. 

Transitioning seamlessly, SGE then summarises and generates pertinent information from the gathered data. 

To filter the results it uses modern technologies  such as Google Search Graph, Knowledge Vault, and RARR.

Reason For The Acceptance of Google SGE

Even in the initial stage, SGE has gained wide acceptance. The main reasons for the achievements are

  • More Convenient for the User: It is convenient for the user to get all the relevant information at one point in minimum time. Especially for new ones who are not profound with the internet it’s more convenient.
  • Provide Personalised Content : Using Generative AI SGE often covers all the aspects of a query. This makes the user feel the result as more personalised.
  • Giving Clear Picture : SGE combines text, image and visual in the result making it more easy for the user to understand. 

The Flip Side Of Google SGE

Every innovation is bound to criticisms. Often these flip sides take time to get recognised. But in the case of Google SGE experts especially in SEO field have already raised their concerns. Let’s check in detail the drawbacks pointed towards SGE.

1. Misleading The User


Google SGE faces significant criticism for yielding inaccurate query results. Since it is still in the developmental stage the accuracy of the results is a matter of concern. 


The reliance on training data heavily impacts result precision, potentially excluding recent developments. 


As information is presented in an organised sequence, individuals are prone to accepting it as accurate, a phenomenon contributing to the problem of misleading information, as highlighted by several experts.

 Recent studies show that the HealthCare Industry is mostly affected by SGE results.

2. Unreliable Due to Source Anonymity


Google’s SGE compiles and presents personalised content by summarising all pertinent data related to a query. However, it fails to show the link to the actual source. 


Despite SGE’s assertion that it provides sources, pinpointing them from the results is challenging, raising concerns about reliability. For individuals seeking in-depth study or those with impairments, tracking down the information source proves to be difficult. 

While general queries may not be significantly impacted, those relying on data analysis for decision-making deem this lack of transparency inappropriate.

3. Losing Trust Due to Low Quality Content

Google has earned a household name by maintaining the quality of its delivery of reliable information.

However, the criticism surrounding Google SGE is not in line with people’s expectations.

While there are arguments supporting Google, but above all, maintaining credibility is crucial.

Once shattered, it takes a huge amount of corrective measures to restore it.

4. No Value for Organic Results

 Google SGE has shattered the SERP format, causing concern over ad placement and the positioning of organic results.

Usually, in a SERP, the ad will come first, followed by organic results.

But now the organic results have gone beneath the SGE results.

With SGE presenting all information upfront, users are less likely to seek further details in this conversational search. Users can ask follow-up questions without referring to the first query.

This situation, known as zero clicks, may be irritating to SEO experts, as SGE hinders their efforts to reach the top of SERP and gain organic traffic.

5. Concern Over Data Privacy

SGE operates using user data.

They are able to predict our behaviour pattern through our search queries and browsing patterns.

Subsequently, when we make a new search, Google adds in this data to personalise our results.

Such personalisation actually raises a serious threat to our privacy.

When a large amount of data about us is available at a single point, it makes us vulnerable. Considering Google’s history of data lapses, any criticism raised as an issue cannot be neglected as usual criticism.

How to Tackle Google SGE with SEO

All the SEO tactics which were beneficial until now have become less effective because of Google SGE.

When all the information has been shown  in a single window most of the users.

Here are the proven strategies to Strengthen SEO.

1. Provide Valuable Content

Prioritise delivering high-quality content to your page.

With the latest updates, Google disregards low-quality or duplicated content.

Pages featuring optimised, high-quality content are more likely to surface in SGE results.

Therefore, consistently provide fresh, quality content, and transform outdated materials into engaging ones.

2. Develop Strong Backlinks

Develop strong backlinks to enhance visibility.

In the era of zero-click searches facilitated by Google SGE, the chances of web pages gaining attention are diminished.

To counteract this, it is crucial to establish backlinks on reputable and reliable platforms.

While Google clarified that backlinks don’t directly impact SGE in considering a site as a source, cultivating strong backlinks across trustworthy platforms enhances the site’s credibility and accessibility, potentially influencing SGE in selecting the source site.

3. Use Long Tail Keywords

Utilise long-tail keywords for better targeting.

The era of using short keywords and their synonyms in SEO has passed.

To reach a specific audience, content must be precise and purposeful.

Conduct a thorough analysis of audience needs, intentions, and likely search queries.

Prioritise long-tail keywords, as they face less competition, and Google favours pages with comprehensive information.

Given the rising popularity of voice search, long-tail keywords have higher chances of getting results.

4. Form an Effective content structure.

Establish an effective content structure.

Define a clear structure for your site’s content.

Providing well-defined headings for user concerns enhances the page’s reliability and increases the likelihood of inclusion in SGE.

Implementing schema markup further aids search engines in understanding the content structure, boosting the chances of your page being featured in SGE.

5. Hold a perspective

Present content from a distinct perspective. Share opinions and present content based on them.

Cover all aspects of the topic, anticipating and answering potential user questions in an opinionated manner.

Recognize that not all details will be displayed in SGE results.

Therefore, if your content is deep enough to address all facts of a query, it stands a high chance of attracting traffic.

6. Keep Yourself Posted About Google SGE

Stay consistently updated. As SGE continues to evolve, frequent updates are essential. Stay vigilant to industry developments and adjust your strategy to maintain a top position for your content.

It’s Up To The User

Google clearly stated that Google SGE is currently in the development stage.

Users should verify the authenticity of the results by consulting multiple sources, as Google has acknowledged its flaws.

The decision to rely entirely on SGE results or follow the traditional Google search route lies with the user.

In this fast-paced world where users seek instant results, SGE proves to be convenient and alluring.

However, it is becoming more challenging and complex.

Make the Best Out Of It

The arrival of Google SGE has challenged proven SEO strategies.

Instead of looking at it as a threat, make it an opportunity.

Transform your approach by providing updated and quality content.

Understand user intention clearly and personalise your content.

To address these challenges effectively, enlist the expertise of top-notch SEO Companies.

With their guidance, you can navigate through this battle successfully.

Stay informed and ensure your content is reliable enough to bridge the gap in SGE results.

Uphold the quality, and everything will seamlessly fall into place.

Frequently Asked Questions

Google SGE Activate

  • Log in to your Google Account with Chrome
  • Make sure you have turned off Incognito mode
  • Go to Home page, Click on Labs Icon
  • On SGE card enable the option.
  • Follow the general instructions, you can get access of  Google SGE

Google SGE works largely on past data. It comprises data from multiple sources and is shown on the result page. Google has clearly stated that it is in the development stage and doesn’t encourage relying on SGE results completely. You must ensure the authenticity of the information you need.

No, SEO will remain the strongest tool in digital marketing. It’s just a temporary situation. To tackle the new hiatus, upgrade the quality of all the activities you’re doing now. Seek expert service to get through this.


Currently, Google SGE presents the details in a summarised format in search results. Unfortunately, they don’t mention the source of the information. To check the reliability of the information, swipe down to organic results and surf through the top-ranked pages.

It is currently in the developing stage. Google made it clear that ads will appear along with SGE results in the SERP. Google is closely monitoring user feedback about the placement of Google ads.