2022 is the year of transformation in the marketing field. As the global economy and its governments wake up from the lockdown, people are still gazing their eyes in front of electronic gadgets. According to the latest available data, the average person spends 6 hours and 58 minutes per day on screens connected to the internet.Yeah, you heard that right. Even though it is an alarming situation, it has opened new vistas of opportunities for the digital marketers to grow their business. This article will draw your attention to the best social media platforms for business growth in 2022.

Social Media Strategy

Best social media platforms for business growth


With more than 2.27 billion active monthly users, it is the best choice for digital marketing. The META Business Suite can help in improving reach and brand awareness of your business based on various factors. Facebook users click on 12 Facebook ads on average every month.

You can target ads based on age, location, gender, relationship status, level of education, interests, job title, purchase behaviour, device usage, etc. 

Facebook also allows you to create Custom Audiences from the list of phone numbers or email addresses that you’ve collected to reach the current customers. You can also use Facebook Pixel to target the customers who have visited your website for remarketing.


So far the most useful and informative social media platform, it has over 2 billion registered users. It is the best social media platform for highlighting the company culture and creating tutorials and demonstrations. 

Visual content is an effective way of engaging site visitors. The Ads are managed by Google Ad centre and it is easier to get more useful leads within a limited span of time. As per Mckinsee report, youtube ads are faster to earn more revenue by easier conversions and lead generation.


If a digital marketer is Romeo, Instagram is the Juliet. As the most popular social media platrom among the youth and teenagers, most online business are eyeing it for business promotion. Instagram is the best platform for your business if you need to reach your customers through photos and videos.

Initially conceived for photography, it is not properly optimised for text heavy posts.Also it doesn’t allow links within posts. 

But the good part is that you have access to several tools that you can use to improve the creative experience of your audience. 

81% of people use Instagram to research products and services.

Instagram hashtags are also a great way for marketers to reach a wider audience, and this audience can be expanded further, through the Instagram stories or Instagram Video feature. 


A beautifully tangled network of quick thoughts, useful tidbits, and energized discussions. Many people use Twitter to get news, follow brands, and get customer service.

It’s especially important here as a business can target high value customers.

Be sure to retweet when a customer has something nice to say about you, and don’t forget to answer people’s questions when possible.

Nearly 80% of Twitter users feel more positive about a business when they get a response to their tweet.


If you are into micro blogging, pinterest is for you. Pinterest has a built-in shopping feature that makes it easier for businesses to promote their products on their site. 

The marketer can use rich pins to give context to a product, article, recipe, and app pins, and use their advertising options to reach more users. 87% of pinners have purchased an item because of Pinterest. You can upload individual photos alongside short descriptions and links to the product page.

The scope of digital marketing will never end as the world is pacing towards digital liberalism. The one thing that lead by the nose will be social maedia. As the AI and ChatGpt is expanding the horizon of marketing, we cannot exactly predict whats in store for the next year.

So keep learning and updating your social media skils so that you can grow along with the digital transformation.