Instant messaging platforms have evolved progressively over the last decade, with a lot of additions to bolster their effectiveness. But what made WhatsApp popular among its peers? It is obviously the timely WhatsApp updates.

WhatsApp has never failed to surprise its users with its updates. It includes the introduction of a call button, a status bar, and the latest channel update. The latest among them, the WhatsApp channel, is a blessing. We no longer need to look at Meta websites to know what is happening in Meta.

New WhatsApp Updates

From the data we compiled from various sources, we found four confirmed WhatsApp updates that will make the app simpler and more effective. Let’s find it out.

Account Switching In-App

Here is some good news. Now you do not need to carry two mobile phones for work and personal WhatsApp. The Meta press release said “Today, we are introducing the ability to have two WhatsApp accounts logged in at the same time”. This was a much-requested update by the users around the globe, as it was annoying to log out or log back every time entering the app from different accounts.

All you need is a dual-sim mobile phone or a device supporting e-sim and a secondary SIM inserted in your smartphone. Open your WhatsApp settings–>click on the arrow next your name–> click Add account. You are good to switch between WhatsApp accounts single-handedly. You can control your privacy and notification settings on each account.

AI Backed Customer Support

Ever tried contacting WhatsApp customer service? How was the experience? The irony is that you cannot contact the customer team without having an email ID. Additionally, the quality of service was not that great, as most users get overwhelmed by waiting for responses from the support team. Now AI will be there to help you with your queries without the need for an email ID.

Meta is reportedly developing a feature to reply to support queries using AI on Android. Soon, in the Contact Us section, you will have the option to chat with an AI support system that is fully equipped with answers and solutions for your day-to-day chat problems.

WhatsApp AI

Increased i Phone Call Participants

Meta is ready to take on popular office apps like Zoom and Google Meet. The platform has raised the bar for call participants to 31 members since the initiation of call proceedings. The option is not new, but earlier you could initiate the call with 15 members, and eventually you could add up to 32 participants.

Simply tap on the new call menu, choose up to 31 participants, and tap on the call button. As simple as that. This is not a big update, but it will surely save time for a lot of users. As per the reports, the feature is expected to roll out on all devices by the end of 2023.

iPhone WhatsApp call

Chat with Phone Numbers

It is a nightmare to chat with strangers by saving their phone number, especially when you are a woman. Hats off to Meta; a new update is behind the curtain. When it is released, you can initiate chat with unknown numbers on the Windows app by just entering their phone number.

The new feature, whenever it becomes available, will be a big relief as it will improve individual privacy and make the chat feature simpler. You will be able to add phone numbers to chat on your new chat screen in addition to the contacts menu.

Bonus WhatsApp Updates: Edit channel Messages

While I was writing this blog, there was another update. It was written “Channels Update: Message Editing has Arrived.” Starting today, you can edit channel updates up to 30 days after sharing them. The edited channel update will be marked “edited” next to the timestamp and will be shown to everyone visiting the channel.

Doing this will not send a notification to channel members. But note that media files cannot be edited with the new update. To edit, click on the message, then edit your update. Click the checkmark when you’re finished. that’s it.

WhatsApp Updates

The future

Account switching and channel message editing features are already in the app. It is rumored that the rest of them will be live on beta testing in the next month and will officially be released to all users by year-end. Anyway, these new updates will be an add-on for the future social media race.

WhatsApp is all set to make lives easier for everyone. Maybe Zuckerberg has lost his mind. It was only a few weeks before X( formerly Twitter) released a series of updates. We can expect this momentum of updates to inspire other players in the field.