Let me ask you something. How did you score good grades in school? Is it just because you study well and perform well in exams? In reality,this strategy alone does not work. We also have to impress our examiner in order to get good grades. When it comes to SEO, the search engine is our examiner, and how we impress them is how our websites perform Technical SEO.

Technical SEO is a critical aspect of search engine optimisation that focuses on improving the technical aspects of a website to enhance its visibility and ranking on search engines. What most people do is just focus on page SEO and off-page SEO and overlook the major factor, which is our hero technical SEO.


Technical SEO: The Gateway to successful business

While content and off-page factors are also essential for SEO, you should never take technical SEO for granted. Here is why:

Faster Indexing

  • There is a saying that the “most precious gift you can give someone is the gift of your time and attention. When you give someone your time, you are giving them a portion of your life that you’ll never get back. Your time is your life”. 
  • Imagine a situation when you open up a website and it starts loading forever. Will you still stick with that website or just move on? We all chose the second. Search engines do the same. Technical SEO ensures that your website is easily crawlable by its bots, allowing them to index your pages accurately.
  • Protip:

Creating an XML sitemap/ site architecture helps search engines discover the hierarchy of your content and index your pages more efficiently.

Easy Accessibility

  • Technical SEO lays the foundation for search engines to crawl, index, and understand your website content efficiently. A technically sound website, as the name itself suggests, is accessible to all to all users, including those with disabilities. 
  • Additionally, with a significant portion of traffic coming from mobile devices, having a mobile-friendly website is crucial. Technical SEO ensures that your site is responsive and adapts well to different screen sizes.
  • Protip:

A Well-Optimized Robots.Txt File also helps you Control how Search Engines access and crawl your Site.

Enhanced Security

  • During my school days, my parents used to tell me not to click on any websites without an https prefix. Fortunately, it helped me a lot to avoid phishing and other cyberattacks. Fast forward today, and security issues are clouding the digital space.
  • Google knows what’s happening around the world. So having an SSL certificate is considered a ranking factor by search engines. So technical SEO is not only vital for securing sensitive data but also provides a safe browsing experience for users.
  • Protip:

Use a secure web hosting service. Make sure the host you choose is aware of threats and devoted to keeping your website secure.

Improved User Experience

  • Every business thrives on bridging the demand-supply gap. But what is more important is to make your customers feel valued. Only then will retention traffic and referral traffic grow into your shop or website. So how do you make your customers feel valued? Let us look.
  • Technical SEO often involves monitoring and analysing various metrics, such as crawl stats, index status, and error reports. This data can provide valuable insights into how search engines perceive your site and highlight areas for improvement.
  • Protip: 

    Implementing structured data markup  (Schema.org) enhances your website’s appearance on  SERPs with rich snippets, making it more attractive to users and potentially increasing click- through rates. 

Avoid Search Engine Penalties

  • Nobody likes to get penalised. It is frustrating and humiliating. But when your website has duplicate content, broken links, or improper redirects, we can’t blame search engines for penalising it. A well-performing website safeguards your site’s reputation and rankings.
  • When your website loads quickly and works well on various devices, users are more likely to stay and engage with your content, reducing bounce rates and improving user satisfaction.
  •  Protip:

Avoid canonicalisation and content copying. Search engines understand the canonical version  of a page and avoid indexing duplicate copies.

Return on Investment

  • By addressing technical issues, your website reached half way to success. What’s left is on-page and off-page SEO. Now you increase the likelihood of ranking higher for relevant keywords. Integrating all three aspects of SEO improves search engine visibility, increases organic traffic, and helps more potential customers find your site.
  • As per Hubspot, every second delay in page load speed means a 7% reduction in conversions. So you want to take such a risk? Not actually in this competitive world.
  • Protip:
Remove unwanted plugins, Pop ups from your website home page. You should also compress the          files before uploading to the website.

Final Thoughts

Technical SEO offers several advantages that can positively impact your website’s search engine rankings, user experience, and overall online presence. Ignoring technical SEO aspects can hinder your site’s visibility and overall SEO efforts, no matter how valuable your content may be.

As 87% of all searches are on Google, how our websites impress Google determines what position and rank we get in the SERPs. So the golden rule for SEO is to make Google fall in love with your website. The only way you can achieve this is by making things easier for Google. If Google loves you, other search engines will follow suit.

Before you leave, let us introduce our 3-month SEO campaigns to take your business to the top 1%. We offer result-driven and measurable digital marketing services in India and abroad.