Case Studies

Home The Power of Facebook Dynamic Ads:’s Success Story

The Power of Facebook Dynamic Ads:’s Success Story

Aim for choosing google ads
  • Expand customer reach within India's young adult demographic.
  • Increase return on ad spend  for marketing investments.
  • Decrease cost per customer acquisition (CPA)
method applied through google ads
  • Implemented Facebook Dynamic Ads to showcase personalised product recommendations.
  • Employed broad audience targeting along with retargeting through Website Custom Audiences.
  • Optimised ads with carousel format and clear calls to action
result obtained through google ads
  • Achieved a 40% increase in audience reach.
  • Realized an 8X return on ad spend.
  • Drove a 40% reduction in cost per acquisition.

Brief history




Making trendy, creative contemporary products.


Emerged as a leading fashion and lifestyle brand with a strong base among youth.


In the hyper-competitive world of online fashion retail, effective advertising is essential to reach the right audience and drive sales. Facebook Dynamic Ads offer a powerful solution, allowing businesses to personalise ads based on user behaviour and interests. Using a mix of creative strategies and dynamic ad targeting,, a leading Indian fashion brand, achieved impressive results in customer acquisition and overall return on ad spend (ROAS). FAcebook dynamic ads

The Hero:

Founded in 2012, is an online fashion brand catering to the style-conscious and budget-minded youth of India. The brand’s philosophy centres on distinctive, trendy designs at affordable prices, positioning itself as a favourite among young shoppers. Bewakoof’s commitment to fresh styles and a rapidly rotating inventory creates challenges and opportunities within its marketing strategy.

The Challenge

Bewakoof aimed to expand its reach, attract new customers, and boost its ROA’S while lowering the cost per acquisition (CPA). With an extensive and ever-changing product catalogue, the brand needed an efficient way to match potential buyers with the most relevant products in real time.

The Strategy embraced Facebook Dynamic Ads as the centerpiece of its customer acquisition strategy. These ads leverage Facebook’s vast user data to seamlessly showcase personalized product recommendations. Here’s how Bewakoof optimized its dynamic ad campaigns:

Broad Targeting 

Bewakoof targeted young shoppers in India aged 15-25, allowing Facebook’s algorithms to pinpoint the most promising segments within this demographic.

Carousel Format

The carousel ad format was used for its ability to display multiple products in a single ad unit, encouraging exploration.

Website Custom Audiences

To retarget shoppers who expressed interest but didn’t complete purchases, Bewakoof used Website Custom Audiences (WCA). Ads were served to those who viewed products or added items to their cart without check-out in the past 10 days.

Clear Calls to Action

Ads emphasized immediate action with phrases like “Shop Now” or “Buy Now.”
Since 2012, we have worked towards enhancing our digital performance. Location insights garnered through Facebook data have been instrumental in helping us penetrate into different regional markets, targeting a specific audience and increasing business volume by 3X. Our audience size has increased by 40% in six months and the dynamic ads prospecting helped us get 40% lower cost per acquisition.
Prabhkiran Singh Co-founder,

The Outcome

Bewakoof’s strategic implementation of Facebook Dynamic Ads led to significant gains:

40% Increase in Reach

Dynamic ads broadened the brand’s reach, delivering impressions to over four million people daily, surpassing previous non-dynamic ad campaigns.

8X Return on Ad Spend

Bewakoof saw a dramatic improvement in Return on ad spend, signifying that their ad spending was generating substantial revenue.

40% Lower Cost Per Acquisition

The cost of acquiring new customers was significantly reduced through optimised targeting and relevant product recommendations.

3X Increase in Business Volume

Overall sales and transaction volume increased dramatically, highlighting the campaign’s impact on top-line growth.

The Takeaway

This is an addition to the stories of those smart players who used the possibilities of Google and social media to take the leap. Their broad vision and smart moves highlight the importance of technological progress.  Let’s use this as inspiration to start our own journey.

Bewakoof’s success story underscores the power of Facebook Dynamic Ads for e-commerce businesses.

Personalization is Key

Product recommendations tailored to browsing behaviour are far more likely to convert than generic advertisements.

Automate for Efficiency

Dynamic ads streamline complex targeting and product display, freeing up marketers to focus on strategy and creative design.

Retargeting Matters

Re-engaging interested users who abandoned their carts is crucial to maximise conversion rates.